Best Buy Cigars Online is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities. We strive to provide an inclusive and user-friendly experience on our website,
Accessibility Goals
We are dedicated to improving the accessibility of our website in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA standards. Our goal is to ensure that all users can easily navigate, interact with, and understand our website’s content.
Our Efforts
To achieve this, we:
Regularly review and update our website to enhance accessibility features.
Implement accessible design principles, including clear navigation, alternative text for images, and keyboard-friendly functionality.
Provide accessible online forms and ensure that all interactive elements are usable with assistive technologies.
Feedback and Contact
We understand that accessibility is an ongoing journey and welcome your feedback. If you encounter any barriers or have suggestions on how we can improve our website’s accessibility, please contact us at:
We will make every effort to address and resolve any accessibility issues as promptly as possible.
Please note that while we strive to meet accessibility standards, some external links and third-party content may not always be fully accessible. We appreciate your understanding and are committed to continually working towards a more accessible web experience.
Thank you for visitingBest Buy Cigars Online. Your satisfaction and accessibility are our priorities.